Reception comparison: vertical vs. horizontal loop

One of my long-term experiments involves receiving on HF. Transmitting on these bands works well with a Cobweb antenna for 10m to 20m and a wire with a CG-3000 automatic tuner for 30m to 160m. Reception in my densely populated area on the lower bands is challenging, often facing up Continue reading Reception comparison: vertical vs. horizontal loop

Replacing the 1:1 balun for a better performing Cobweb antenna

In September 2023, I wrote a review about the 7-band Cobweb antenna manufactured by AWK in Poland. This symmetrical, or balanced, antenna is fed with asymmetrical, or unbalanced, coaxial cable. To prevent the coaxial cable from becoming an active part of the antenna, it is necessary to place a 1:1 Continue reading Replacing the 1:1 balun for a better performing Cobweb antenna

The difference between a balun, unun, common mode choke, line isolator and impedance transformer

In the world of amateur radio, the terms balun, unun, common mode choke, line isolator and impedance transformer are often used. But also often mixed up and sometimes lead to heated discussions on forums and social media groups. For your convenience (you don’t have to ask on a forum or Continue reading The difference between a balun, unun, common mode choke, line isolator and impedance transformer