The difference between a balun, unun, common mode choke, line isolator and impedance transformer

In the world of amateur radio, the terms balun, unun, common mode choke, line isolator and impedance transformer are often used. But also often mixed up and sometimes lead to heated discussions on forums and social media groups. For your convenience (you don’t have to ask on a forum or Continue reading The difference between a balun, unun, common mode choke, line isolator and impedance transformer

The Hula Hoop Halo; a simple DIY antenna for 6 meter band DX

There is no other band that is affected by so many forms of propagation as 6 meters (50 MHz). Sporadic-E (Es) in summer and midwinter. TEP (transequatorial propagation) around March/April and September/October. F2 propagation and aurora in periods of high solar activity. Meteorscatter and the almost daily present troposcatter. But Continue reading The Hula Hoop Halo; a simple DIY antenna for 6 meter band DX

How to build a limited space 10 and 20 meter band Square Halo DX antenna

Better horizontally than vertically polarized If you only have limited space for an antenna, but still want to DX on HF on multiple bands, you will soon have to rely on a vertical antenna. DX’ers among us know that on the 10 and 20 meter band you can often work Continue reading How to build a limited space 10 and 20 meter band Square Halo DX antenna

How the replacement of solar panel micro inverters lead to 50 dB less QRM

Past time my focus was on resolving the interference caused by neighbors’ two solar panel installations. Last year I bought a QRM eliminator with which I, in combination with a Miniwhip active antenna as auxiliary antenna, achieved good results on a decent part of the HF spectrum. But the interference Continue reading How the replacement of solar panel micro inverters lead to 50 dB less QRM

Is your antenna making noise? Use a rope!

In most cases, radio amateurs love it when their antenna resonates, because a resonating antenna is usually an efficiently radiating antenna. At least, when we talk about electrical resonance and not acoustic resonance. The latter can cause considerable nuisance and even dangerous situations. Fortunately, there is an effective and inexpensive way to keep Continue reading Is your antenna making noise? Use a rope!