Reception comparison: vertical vs. horizontal loop

One of my long-term experiments involves receiving on HF. Transmitting on these bands works well with a Cobweb antenna for 10m to 20m and a wire with a CG-3000 automatic tuner for 30m to 160m. Reception in my densely populated area on the lower bands is challenging, often facing up Continue reading Reception comparison: vertical vs. horizontal loop

The liquid HF vertical for 10m to 40m

I love HF and my QTH is not that good for harbouring a lot of antennas so I can work each band. I do have a trap HF vertical but it is a pain in the … Corrosion makes this antenna untunable to resonate.The ideal antenna would be a vertical Continue reading The liquid HF vertical for 10m to 40m

Nice propagation to test the Moxon antenna

Lucky me!!! No better way to test the homemade 10m Moxon antenna then with current conditions. Best propagation since 2003, definitely! I took the chance to do one on one tests, and results are a bit surprising in a positive way. But first of all for the right comparison: Moxon Continue reading Nice propagation to test the Moxon antenna

Let’s start testing the 10m Moxon antenna, or not…

The 10m wire Moxon

I made a setup with a dipole and the 10m Moxon antenna to compare results. But for some reasons both antennas acted not normally. The Moxon had almost none front to back ratio and the dipole could not be tuned to resonate with a decent SWR. It seemed that the Continue reading Let’s start testing the 10m Moxon antenna, or not…

Moxon up and running, first impressions

The 10m wire Moxon

Since a few weeks the 10m Moxon is up and running. It was quite an easy job assembling and mounting it. I have constructed it in a way that makes it very easy to assemble and disassemble it in case of a severe storm (which happens here frequently). From a Continue reading Moxon up and running, first impressions